Turkish officials have accused European governments of attempting to export their Islamic extremist problem to Syria, saying the EU has failed to secure
Turkish officials have
accused European governments of attempting to export their Islamic extremist
problem to Syria, saying the EU has failed to secure its own borders or abide
by pledges to share intelligence and cooperate in fighting the jihadist threat.
The failures were
outlined by Turkish officials to the Guardian through several documented
instances of foreign fighters leaving Europe while travelling on passports
registered on Interpol watchlists, arriving from European airports with luggage
containing weapons and ammunition, and being freed after being deported from
Turkey despite warnings that they have links to foreign fighter networks.
“We were suspicious
that the reason they want these people to come is because they don’t want them
in their own countries,” a senior Turkish security official told the Guardian.
“I think they were so lazy and so unprepared and they kept postponing looking
into this until it became chronic.”
The conversations with
Turkish officials took place before the latest Isis-claimed terror attacks in
Brussels, but those bombings and the attacks in Paris last November brought
into stark relief Europe’s failings in tackling the threat from Europeans
intent on travelling to Syria or Iraq to fight with Isis and then returned to
carry out atrocities at home.
Authorities in Belgium
carried out a series of raids on Thursday and Friday connected with the
Brussels attacks and an apparently separate, foiled plot in France.

Belgian police
apprehend wounded suspect in Brussels attack raids on Friday
On Wednesday the
Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, said Ibrahim el-Bakraoui, one of the
bombers at Brussels Zaventem airport, had been detained in Gaziantep in June of
last year over suspicions that he intended to travel to Syria as a foreign
fighter. Though Belgian authorities were informed of his arrest, they told
Turkey that they had no evidence that he had terrorism links and did not
request his extradition. He was deported to the Netherlands before returning to
Ankara had also warned
French authorities about Omar Ismail Mostefai, whose name turned up in an
investigation of a cell of French nationals suspected of terrorism links that
ran from late 2014 to the summer of 2015, according to a senior Turkish
official. Mostefai was one of the Isis militants who stormed the Bataclan
concert hall in November last year.
European officials and
the US-led coalition have repeatedly said Turkey ought to do more to secure its
borders. Critics of Erdoğan accuse Ankara of turning a blind eye to the influx
of foreign fighters, saying Turkey hoped to undermine the embattled Syrian
strongman Bashar al-Assad. They point to the lack of hindrance encountered by
Middle Eastern jihadis travelling through Turkey to Syria, who were prevalent
along the established routes and made little effort at discretion on the way to
the frontlines.
They also point to the
fact that most of the thousands of foreign fighters battling in Syria today
entered through Turkey. Vladimir Putin, after a Russian plane was shot down for
straying briefly into Turkish airspace, accused Ankara of being “accomplices of
Law enforcement
agencies ‘overwhelmed’
“The threat is
unprecedented and intelligence and domestic law enforcement agencies appear to
be overwhelmed by the numbers involved,” said Aaron Stein, a resident senior
fellow at the Atlantic Council and author of a book on Turkish foreign policy.
“In many ways, this explains their anger with Turkey. There is an expectation
on the EU side that Turkey would put in place secondary measures to stop
cross-border movement of people and material to Islamic State.
“Turkey has
dramatically increased border security, beginning in March 2015,” he added.
“However, before March 2015, there were legitimate concerns about the
permissive environment along most of the Turkish-Syrian border.”
Brussels terror
attacks: how events unfolded on Tuesday In interviews with the Guardian,
Turkish officials challenged the assessment that they did not do enough to
combat the terror threat, and provided details of several incidents they say
show European governments allowed people to travel to Turkey.
In June 2014, Turkish
security officers at Istanbul airport interviewed a Norwegian man who openly
told them that he had come to Turkey in order to travel to Syria for “jihad”.
Isis had just surged through Iraq, conquering the plains of Nineveh, and would
soon announce a caliphate on its territories in Syria and Iraq, upending fragile
nation states that had already begun to collapse.
When they searched his
luggage, they found that he had managed to travel out of Oslo with a suitcase
that contained a camouflage outfit, a first aid kit, knives, a gun magazine and
parts of an AK-47, the contents of which had managed to elude customs
authorities in Europe.
Two months later, a
German man arrived in Istanbul with a suitcase containing a bulletproof vest,
military camouflage and binoculars that he managed to carry through an airport
in Paris on his way to Turkey.
In 2013, A
Danish-Turkish dual citizen, Fatih Khan, left Denmark for Syria, but was
detained while trying to cross the border in the Turkish province of Kilis and
deported back to Copenhagen. He was given another passport by the Danish
authorities, and made his way back to Syria.
That same year, Mohamed
Haroon Saleem, a British citizen, arrived in Istanbul from London and travelled
to Syria, having managed to travel out of the UK with a passport that was
flagged on the Interpol list as stolen or lost.
Mohamed Mehdi Raouafi,
a French citizen, left France in January of 2014 to join the war in Syria.
Despite his sister warning the Turkish authorities who subsequently informed
the French government that he was going there to join radical groups, he was
allowed to travel out of France.
The Soufan Group, a
respected security consultancy and thinktank, estimated in late 2015 that
between 27,000 and 31,000 foreign fighters had travelled to Syria and Iraq to
fight alongside militant groups, including 760 from the UK.
Turkey now has a list
of more than 38,000 individuals who are banned from entry, based partly on more
recent European cooperation and its own investigations into individuals
arriving in the country. It has deported over 3,200.
Turkish officials said
they approached European counterparts as early as late 2012 to come up with a
pooled list of names of potential radicals who would not be allowed inside
Turkey, saying they feared the aftermath of revolutions in the Arab world would
lead to a vacuum of power that would allow the flourishing of groups such as
al-Qaida inside Syria, but their proposal was declined by most intelligence
Despite efforts by the
EU’s counter-terrorism coordinator, Gilles de Kerchove, most European countries
were dithering in their response, sharing a limited list of names, and had no
policy to specifically address the foreign fighter threat.
“They knew about these
people, and they didn’t stop them because they had no legal framework to stop
them,” the senior security official said.
counter-terrorism officials say they needed the lists of suspected radicals
since they had no surveillance capability in Europe and had to rely on European
intelligence agencies to alert them to potential terrorism suspects. Without
European intelligence backing, they could only prosecute them for attempting to
illegally cross into Syria and deport them back to Europe. Some of those
deported were later given new passports and allowed to travel back to Turkey.
It is unclear why there
was so little intelligence-sharing between EU states and Turkey. Turkish
officials chalk it up to a multitude of factors: what they say is an attempt by
Europe to export its terrorism problem to the battlefields in Syria rather than
address rising Islamophobia and problems with integration; laws that limit
European surveillance powers, and even a personal distrust of Erdoğan among
European leaders due to his Islamist roots.
“Europe knew exactly
what was happening, but they started a blame game and said the entire problem
was on the Turkish-Syrian border,” the security official said.
“Without taking any
responsibility they blamed us for this, on top of the refugee issue. They
didn’t like Erdoğan and the Turkish government. Erdoğan was the symbol of
political Islam, and so he is supporting Isis.”
The official added:
“But where did Isis and Nusra come from? Al-Qaida in Iraq. Did Turkey have
anything to do with the formation of AQI? Assad himself was responsible for the
release of how many prisoners in 2011? And where are these people now? They are
the ideologues of Isis in Raqqa and Tal Abyad.”
“Turkey didn’t create
Isis, we probably should have controlled our border much better ... but
Turkey’s mistake was actually to follow the lead of the Europeans and the US on
Syria,” the official said.
On Friday an updated
report published by the New America thinktank in Washington, studying a sample
of 604 militants from 26 western countries who joined Isis or other jihadi
groups in Syria or Iraq, found that one in seven was a woman, a significant
shift from previous jihadi conflicts. The average age was 25 and, for female
recruits, it was 22. Almost one-fifth of the sample were teenagers, of whom
more than a third were female.
The report, co-authored
by security analyst Peter Bergen, concluded that Europe is at greater risk than
the US. “The threat to Europe is driven by the large numbers of Europeans who
have travelled to fight in Syria and Iraq and who have returned to the west,”
it said. “The threat to the United States from returning fighters is low and will
likely be manageable. So far, no ‘returnee’ from Syria has committed an act of
violence in the United States and only one returnee has been arrested for
plotting a domestic attack.”