Ferne McCann's acid attacker ex-lover WINKS as he is jailed for 20 YEARS as victims slam his lack of remorse and say he has left them with 'permanent scars for the rest of our lives'
Arthur Collins (pictured with Ferne McCann) was today jailed for 20 years after he hurled acid over innocent clubbers
Arthur Collins, the drug dealing boyfriend of reality TV star Ferne McCann, injured more than 20 clubbers when he threw acid across a nightclub dancefloor
Collins and McCann had been living the high life in the weeks before the attack. He was wearing the same 'Candy Killer' T-shirt he wore in this picture in the Middle East when he carried out the attack
Meanwhile, another victim bravely described the harrowing moment she had to phone her parents on her birthday night out to tell them her skin was 'coming off'.
Collins, of Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, was convicted of five counts of causing GBH with intent and nine counts of assault occasioning ABH, relating to 14 revellers.
During the sentencing hearing at Wood Green Crown Court, the judge ruled that Collin was 'dangerous' - meaning he will serve at least two-thirds of the jail term.
His family wept and shouted 'love you, Arth' after the sentence was delivered by the judge. He winked at his family as he was led to the cells.
Judge Lucas said: 'Your case has attracted a great deal of public interest.
'This is because what you did at the Mangle club on Easter Sunday evening was a despicable act.
'The conclusion I have come to is that you deliberately carried strong acid into that club to use when the need arised. The CCTV showed the wholly cowardly nature of the attack.
'Mr Collins' contrived defence is in my judgment significant. It shows him to be an accomplished and calculating liar.'
Rejecting an apology in a letter by Collins, the judge said: 'It was a hollow sorry - not for what he had done, but for the effect of his actions.
'He has expressed not the least remorse for carrying and using a highly corrosive acid.
'The injuries must have been extremely painful and utterly terrifying.'
The judge added: 'My very clear impression is that the security arrangements within the club venue were extremely poor.'
At his sentencing hearing on Tuesday, the court heard Collins had threatened a similar attack on a former partner's mother.
He received a caution for racially aggravated harassment for ringing the woman in the middle of the night and threatening her with an acid attack and to have her raped.
Lauren Trent (left) and Sophie Hall (right) were two of the victims and spoke following the sentencing today
Miss Trent (pictured left after the sentencing hearing) was one of the clubbers injured and gave an emotional account of how her birthday night out turned to horror
Lauren Trent (left) was celebrating her birthday with her friend Sophie Hall (right in left hand photo). She was left with burns to her neck and chest and has called for a life sentence
The acid attack left 22 clubbers, including Phoebe Georgiou (pictured), with injuries
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