Abdominal swelling . Want to be watermelon or apple?


Nahia Winter for blog de Juan Pardo

 Celebs with perfect diet :
The abdominal swelling is not a disease , it's just a dangerous nuisance to your physique. So has short-term solution . Waking felt very light and flat abs , but the end of the day we have a swollen abdomen and felt bloated and heavy.
Foods that cause inflammation in the womb
The intestinal flora is made up of good and bad bacteria .
The good are responsible for the digestion of food , in turn regulates the immune system. If we have a healthy gut , our belly bulges and starts generating gases that cause discomfort and inflammation.
Removes irritants from your diet such as fried foods, spicy , soft drinks and coffee.
While regain bowel function, avoid consuming legumes such as beans , lentils , beans or soy as these can cause gases.
Eat lots of vegetables, cooked starts consuming them , as you improve your digestion you can leave more raw, totally up to consume raw.

Foods that  thatproduce abdominal bloating .
1. Refreshments . According to research by the National Toxicology Program in the U.S. soft drink consumption increases and promotes inflammation and insulin resistance .
2. Sugar . Contained in bread, cookies and candy that affect oral health and excessive consumption predisposes to diabetes.
3.  Fats . Avoid fried foods or high in fat, especially animal : margarine , sausages or meat high fat intake
April . Beans . Thanks to its natural fiber, but little comparable components in the human body , make the beans a food that should be consumed in moderation.

You need to consume foods rich in omega 3 and 6 as salmon or walnuts help get an anti-inflammatory effect is even greater in women.


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