Iran detains 10 US sailors after vessels stopped in the Gulf

US military personnel on a riverine patrol boat
Image captionThe sailors were on two riverine patrol boats at the time of the incident

Iran has detained 10 US sailors after their vessels were stopped in the Gulf, a US official told the BBC.
"We lost contact with two small US naval craft en route from Kuwait to Bahrain," the official said.
He said that the Iranians informed the US that the sailors were safe and "will promptly be allowed to continue their journey".
The sailors are likely to be released on Wednesday morning, US officials said.
The incident happened near Farsi Island after one of the ships encountered mechanical problems.
Iran's semi-official news agency FARS reported that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard detained the nine men and one woman, and that they had been "trespassing" and "snooping" in Iranian waters.
After the incident, US Secretary of State John Kerry immediately called Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif to begin negotiations.
An unnamed official told the Associated Press that Mr Kerry "personally engaged with Zarif on this issue to try to get to this outcome".
Mr Kerry and Mr Zarif developed a personal relationship throughout three years of negotiating a nuclear deal.
Farsi Island

The conservative Tasnim news agency reported that the American boats were equipped with machine guns.
"Frequent calls by US official urging Tehran to free the detainees continues," reads the Tasnim report.
The Revolutionary Guard has aggressively protected Iranian sea borders in the past.
Fifteen British sailors and marines were held for 13 days in 2007 after they were captured in disputed area between Iran and Iraq.
Tensions between Iran and the US remain despite the breakthrough nuclear deal.
In December, Iran's navy conducted rocket tests near US warships and other commercial vessels in the Strait of Hormuz.
The tests were "highly provocative", a US military commander said at the time.


Marta Molina Sáez ha dicho que…
Eso tiene mucho que explicar....pero realmente creeis que lo ara?yo creo que no.
Juan Pardo ha dicho que…
Marta, yo soy optimista, sino lo hace, la presión será tal que puede tener problemas muy grandes. El pueblo que confió en el, no merece ese silencio. Si pueden hacer lo que les dicte "su pensar" pero explicando antes las medidas y en base a unos presupuesto. Escurriendo el bulto del debate de la nación, solo afianza su oscurantismo y subjetividad.
Lola Cremades Molina ha dicho que…
Franc Sánchez ha dicho que…
Terminarán con el PP.
URF ha dicho que…
El razonamiento se impone a la lógica. Malo, María.
Teresa Corona ha dicho que…
Ya es demasiado y sin saber nada, luego son ellos. No me esperaba esto de Rajoy es más propio de ZP.
Eloisa Macias Ortega ha dicho que…
Si esto lo hace el PSOE,, tenemos que irnos de España. Gracias a UPyD capaz que nos esteramos de algo.
Juana Dosal Campillo ha dicho que…
Tenia que haber hecho lo que hizo Aznar encargar un informe de la situación para poder gobernar así tranquilizo al pueblo y no como este que va a sato de mata...
Isabel Mañas. ha dicho que…
Así no se comen los turrones este Gobierno en el mando. Tampoco no los comeremos nosotros. Vaya decepción que ha sido Rajoy.
Rosa Mari Espinosa. ha dicho que…
Y aquí nadie va a la cárcel, aunque sea para calmar los ánimos. Donde yo vivo también tiene la CAM más de 500 viviendas a medio terminar y según me consta en sus balances cuentan en el activo como terminadas y a precio de oro. Luego la deuda es como dices mucho más grande.