Refugee in Germany, Merkel wants to 'drastically reduce' refugee arrivals in Germany. Mama Merkel has consigned the ‘ugly German’ to history
‘When Angela Merkel
defends her humanitarian granting of refuge on a large scale and in the same
speech denounces multiculturalism, she is being entirely consistent with German
governmental thinking.’
The German chancellor,
Angela Merkel, in an address to the annual conference of the Christian Democrat
party on Monday, said: “Those who seek refuge with us also have to respect our
laws and traditions, and learn to speak German. Multiculturalism leads to parallel
societies, and therefore multiculturalism remains a grand delusion.”
Some will find this odd
given that Merkel has taken a brave stand in allowing large numbers of refugees
– perhaps up to a million – to enter and be welcomed in Germany over the past
few months. Of course the plan is that their claims for refuge and asylum will
be processed, some may be refused and repatriated, some may stay until there is
peace in Syria, but it is not unrealistic to assume that the large majority
will become long-term settlers in Germany. Some may even think that her
anti-multiculturalist remarks are a sop to her party’s angry right wing, who
are opposed to her humanitarian stand.
There is, however, no
necessary contradiction here, as regards either Merkel or long-term German
policy. Since the second world war, the former West Germany and then the
unified Germany have been generous in receiving refugees and displaced persons,
initially those of German ethnic descent (the Aussiedler) but latterly more
widely. At the same time, in the 1960s Germany entered into treaties with
countries such as Turkey to import labour for its industries – “Gastarbeiter”
(guest workers). Unlike the Aussiedler it was never intended that they would
settle, raise families and become German citizens. This has indeed happened on
a large scale, not because of but in spite of policy.
Those of German descent
– even if they could not speak German – were regarded as Germans, but the
Gastarbeiter were meant to be temporary and despite having several millions of
foreign-born or foreign-descent in their midst (the number now stands at 16
million), chancellor Helmut Kohl declared in the 1990s that Germany was “not a
country of immigration”.
Even though German
governments had made provisions that superficially looked multiculturalist,
such as the provision of Turkish-language classes, this was only so that
Turkish children could be prepared for their return to Turkey. What Germany was
very slow to do was to grant citizenship to Turkish settlers or their children.
Even now, more than 50 years after the first Turkish guest workers came to
Germany, it can be difficult for their children and grandchildren to acquire
