Mass UFO sighting reported in Serbia. Video

Mass UFO sighting reported in Serbia. Video


Mass UFO sighting reported in Serbia. Video. 60924.jpeg

In Serbia, a local resident made a video of unidentified flying objects in the sky over the city of Doni Milanovac.
The video shows five bright UFOs lining up in triangles, changing the configuration and then disappearing. None of the objects looked like a star, and it is hard to ascribe the sighting to a natural phenomenon.
Earlier, another UFO sighting was reported in the sky over Chile. A V-shaped unidentified flying object was hovering in the night sky. The strange phenomenon was noticed by Roberto Antezana.
He is not the first to witness unusual manifestations from outer space. At first, the scientist decided that this was a Japanese satellite. However, the UFO was hovering in the sky for 35 minutes, which made the astrophysicist doubt its earthly origin. Inside the V-shaped nebula, there were other objects of unknown origin.

